Five-Year Joint Forward Plan.

NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board has published its Five-Year Joint Forward Plan. This plan links directly with the Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) 10-year ‘Live Your Best Life’ Strategy, published earlier in 2023, and with the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies for North and West Northamptonshire​. This plan shows how we will help deliver many of the ambitions outlined in the ICP Live Your Best Life Strategy, while also rising to the challenges the NHS faces across the country​.

As an integrated care system, we have a shared vision to work better together to make Northamptonshire a place where people are active, confident and empowered to take responsibility for good health and wellbeing, with quality integrated support and services available for them when they need help. As part of this, the integrated care board are striving to achieve four aims: to improve outcomes in population health and healthcare; to tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; to enhance productivity and value for money; and to help the NHS support broader social and economic development​.

Like many areas across the country, we are seeking to do this within a challenging economic and financial context which we must consider as we work to make the NHS more sustainable​. We also face significant continuing demand for our services.  We will work together to respond to these challenges and improve health and care outcomes for our local population.