Expression of Interest – EDI / Unconscious Bias Provider

Representing your Communities – People and Place
Northamptonshire’s VCSE Community (Voluntary & Community Groups and Social Enterprises) have been awarded
three years of funding from the National Lottery Community Health Equalities Fund to embed it’s skills and expertise
in the county’s Integrated Care System – the project aims to transform the culture of collaborative working practices
with our System Partners in Public Health, NHS Partnerships, as well as our two unitary Local Authorities, and
develop Senior Leaders for the future resilience of the VCSE Sector in an ever-changing sphere of influence and
decision making.
As part of this project, a two day training course has been organised for VCSE professionals that have been recruited
to representative roles within our Integrated Care System, the delegates on the course will include Senior Leaders
and Manager from Voluntary & Community Groups, and Social Enterprises throughout Northamptonshire.

For more information, click here

Please note that the closing date is the 26th March.